Community Service
100 hours
BASE students ARE REQUIRED to complete 100 hours of community service by the time they graduate in order to receive their diploma. You will also receive a community service seal on your diploma once these are completed. The community service requirement coincides with DOE's Service in Schools initiative that began in 2010 in partnership with the NYC Service, Office of the Mayor and its mission to expand the number of students engaged in transformative community service and service-learning. As a CTE High School, we also feel that community service is necessary component to career & college readiness as well as an asset for students in order to be prospective, favorable applicants to jobs, colleges and scholarship organizations. They can earn these UNPAID, volunteered record of time inside and/or outside of the school.
Key Points:
Any work to support a community: School, neighborhood, church, etc.
Students must be supervised by a non-family member
Students cannot be paid
For more info you can email: