Career & Counseling
College, Career & Counseling Advisement Team (CCCAT)
Mission Statement for 9th to 12th Graders
The College, Career & Counseling Advisement Team (CCCAT) provide all students connection to a model which focuses on the needs of the students in three areas of development: academic, career, and personal/social (Discipline). With comprehensive developmental support programs, students receive accurate information, concrete experiences, and successful planning to take the steps necessary to become productive and contributing members of society. Together, counselors, parents, school staff and the community can provide the most effective support for our students. To serve our students in the best possible way, the student support service personnel will.
Counseling & Student Meetings
We have an open door policy that allows for students to see their counselors for any questions or concerns. The CCCAT Office is located in Room 510. Or you can email us at
9th Grade
In the fall, 9th grade in their class receive information regarding the High School Transcript and extra-curricular activities. This program informs students of all the information that is included on their official transcript, and seminar teachers explain the importance of getting involved in school activities throughout high school.
A Personal Study Skills and Learning Styles Survey is given to the 9th graders in a classroom setting.
The survey informs students of the style of learning that works best for them. Seminars offer learning strategies and have an open dialog on how to help each individual student succeed in their academic careers.
In January, seminars meet with all 9th graders to review the scheduling process and discuss course options. Students are then given individual appointments to meet with their counselor to plan a schedule for 10th grade. During this meeting course placement, attendance and credit policies are reviewed.
Summer Bridge
9th grade community building retreat
9th Grade Overnight retreat
10th Grade
Naviance/Career Survey:
The Career Planner is an innovative assessment system in Naviance that helps students learn more about themselves and their career interests. It gives guidance to students and families about postsecondary educational and career opportunities. Career Planner helps students assess their own strengths and explore various career opportunities. With Career Planner, students can:
Complete the Career Interest Profile
Search for careers by job title, keyword, and category
Read about skills and requirements for nearly 1,000 careers
Find up-to-date wage data at the national, state, and city levels
Link from career descriptions to colleges offering related majors
Watch videos for nearly 600 popular careers
ACT & PSAT/NMSQT – Practice for the SAT & ACT and Qualify for Scholarships:
College, Career & Counseling Department advises that all juniors should take the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), and highly recommend all sophomores to take this test as well. This test serves as a practice SAT for 10th grade students. For the 11th grade student, taking this test will qualify them for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation’s (NMSC) scholarship programs. It serves as a valuable tool to assist students, parents, and schools with early college preparation and planning. The test is given in October, and is only offered once per school year. Registration for this test takes place in early September in the CCCAT office. Counselors will meet with students in classrooms to discuss scores. The CCCAT Office also offers an ACT practice test for sophomores and juniors to introduce them to test’s format.

11th Grade
Miscellaneous Information:
PSAT/NMSQT – Practice for the SAT and Qualify for Scholarships
The Career, College & Counseling Team advises that all juniors should take the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), and highly recommend all sophomores to take this test as well. For the 11th grade student, taking this test will qualify them for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation’s (NMSC) scholarship programs. It serves as a valuable tool to assist students, parents, and schools with early college preparation and planning. The test is given in October, and is only offered once per school year. Registration for this test takes place in early September in the College, Career & Counseling Office. The College, Career & Counseling Office also offers an ACT practice test for sophomores and juniors to introduce them to the test’s format.
SAT and SAT Subject Tests and ACT Test
Students should take the SAT and/or SAT subject Tests or ACT in the spring of their junior year and fall of their senior year.
NCAA Clearinghouse Form Students interested in playing sports in college should submit an NCAA form to the CCCAT Office at the end of their junior year so that counselors can forward their transcript to the NCAA Clearinghouse.
College Tours
The College, Career & Counseling Team organizes an annual college tour for the junior class. We select a tour which will provide students with an eclectic sample of schools, which include small and large; suburban and urban; and private and public. Counselors believe that this kind of endeavor leads to a more informed college selection. Information regarding the college tour will be sent through Naviance to the email of students and parents.
College Visits to BASE
In the fall, various colleges and universities will visit BASE. These visits are open to juniors and seniors, and give students the opportunity to meet an admissions counselor from the school and get further information. Students can sign up for visits and receive a pass during the scheduled time for the presentation. Please check at this section of the website for up to date college visit dates and times.
Brag Sheets
Students and parents will be responsible to fill out brag sheets to assist with the recommendation process. Please check the Guidance section of the school website, under College Application Process, to get the appropriate forms.
12th Grade
College Visits
In the fall, various colleges and universities will visit BASE. These visits are open to juniors and seniors, and give students the opportunity to meet an admissions counselor from the school and get further information. Students can sign up for visits and receive a pass during the scheduled time for the presentation. Please check the guidance website for up to date college visit dates and times.
The College Application Process
This information will be presented by the College, Career & Counseling Office in the fall. This is an opportunity for parents to gather information on BASE’s college application process. The steps that seniors will need to complete for the College, Career & Counseling Office to process their college applications will be discussed.
SAT/SAT II tests
Students should take the SAT and/or SAT Subject Tests in the spring of their Junior Year and fall of their senior year.
ACT Test
Students should take the ACT Tests in the spring of their Junior Year and fall of their senior year.
AP Testing
Advanced Placement tests are administered the first two weeks in May.
NCAA – Final Transcript Request Form
Any student who intends on playing any sport in college must complete a NCAA form to have your final transcript sent to the college of your choice.
Scholarships are published on our Guidance web page as well as sent home via email through Naviance.
National scholarships will be the bulk of the scholarships posted from September through April. The local scholarships are chosen from students who fill out our Student Scholarship Application. (See the scholarship section of the website under Guidance for an application) These scholarships are given out at our Senior Scholarship Awards Assembly in June. Invitations to the assembly will be sent out in mid-May to the parents of the students receiving a scholarship.
Final Transcript to Colleges
Seniors complete the college senior survey on Naviance to finalize their college selection. The final announcement of the colleges that they were accepted to and their final college decision is included in this survey.