Main Office » Main Office

Main Office

BASE General Office (Room 517


The General Office is a professional office. It is the first point of contact between BASE and the outside world. The office is kept clean and professional by the people who work there. If you have any business in the office (see below), we expect that you to maintain respect for those people and for the space. This means keeping your voice down and saying hello including please and thank you to the office staff who are helping you.

Good reasons for students to visit the office:


During the school day you must have written permission to be in the office. After school, you may come into the office to respectfully to ask a question. Some of the reasons why you may be in the office is because:

  • You are brought there for some reason by a staff member
  • You have written permission from a staff member to go to the office for a pass to the clinic 
  • You have written permission to make a phone call
  • You have written permission to speak with someone in the office
  • A parent comes to pick you up
  • You need to give in any paperwork for school or outside of school

Unacceptable reasons for students to visit the office:

  • You need a break from class
  • Your friend is in there
  • You want a drink of water and don’t want to use the fountain
  • To bother any staff members or teachers