Bronx Academy for Software Engineering is a public high school offering a CTE pathway in software engineering. Our school provides a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for careers in technology, social justice and computer science.
The mission of our school is to provide a safe and enriching learning environment where the whole student is nurtured and developed.
Understanding Self
Valuing Diversity
Creating Dialogue
Taking Action

Every marking period (there are three marking periods each semester), a week or two before the end, we have a Pause Day to help our students reflect & revise on student work. Our third Pause Day for the 2024-2025 school year is Tuesday, Jan. 7th. Click here to learn more about our Pause Days.
Pause Day @ BASE on Tues., Jan. 7th
On Friday, Jan. 3rd, students are expected to attend BASE for half a day. The class period schedule would be 6th (8:25 am), 7th, 8th & 5th periods. Dismissal will still occur at 11:27 am.
On Thursday, Jan. 9th, students are expected to attend BASE for half a day from 1st (8:25 am) to the end of 4th period (11:27 am). Students in danger of passing their classes will stay for the afternoon.
For more info, please contact us at support@bronxsoftware.org or call us at 718-733-6024 Ext. 2

Half Days at BASE - Friday, Jan. 3rd & Thursday, Jan. 9th

Regents Prep will be held at BASE on Saturday, Jan 11th and Saturday, Jan 18th for students, from 10 am to 1 pm. GOOD LUCK!!!
Regents Prep Sat.,
Jan. 11th &
Sat. Jan. 18th

The Third and Final Marking Period for the Fall Semester Ends. At that time grades will be locked, and will go on students’ permanent transcripts.
The 3rd Marking Period Ends Friday,
Jan. 17th
Visit Bronx Academy for Software Engineering to explore our campus and learn more about our programs. We are located in the Grace Dodge High School Campus: 2474 Crotona Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458 on the 5th Floor, Room 517