About Us » Mission Statement

Mission Statement

School Mission


We are committed to providing a safe academic environment for all of our students to feel welcomed here at BASE. And we make this possible by…

Recognizing the humanity and power in our students and staff by developing curricula and learning tasks that are meaningful, responsive, and contextualized in the real world, and that prioritize joyful learning through development of identity, skills, intellect, and criticality for all students and all ways of learning.  


Embedding opportunities to learn high level problem-solving and life skills across disciplines and in experiences such as internships.


Practicing action-based grading, in which teachers identify for each course a targeted list of core skills and ideas and prioritizes these through practice, feedback and grading; these practices challenge students to understand their own strength and needs, and take ownership of their growth as learners and as people.


Practicing Transformative Justice, which means we are a community where members collectively work to solve problems, take ownership and foster healing. Done authentically, this process builds trust and seeks liberation from oppressive structures that are the root cause of harm.


Committing to antiracist practices across the school, our communities and our society.


Holding all community members accountable for the success of everyone in the community.